Launch of Group-IB Proactive Defense

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Cybercrime poses a significant threat to businesses worldwide, leading to substantial financial losses, damage to reputation, and legal consequences. Companies face various forms of cyber-attacks, such as data breaches, ransomware, and phishing scams, which can result in the theft of sensitive information, financial extortion, and disruption of operations. The implications extend beyond immediate monetary impact; they also erode customer trust and can attract regulatory fines. To avoid cyber-attacks, companies must use strong cybersecurity protection which is essential for keeping sensitive data.

Entrepreneurial Skills for Employees: Think and Act Like a Business Owner

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Entrepreneurship is not only for starting a business but also for improving as an employee. Entrepreneurial employees can spot opportunities, take action, solve problems, and add value to their organization. They can also cope with change, learn from feedback, and work with others. To foster this mindset, First Cambodia held a seminar on “Entrepreneurial Skills for Employees: Think and Act Like a Business Owner” for 200 students at Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology - CADT.